Titre | The Duty to Presence |
Type de publication | Collections |
Année de Publication | 2022 |
Auteurs | Lily ROBERT-FOLEY |
ISBN | 979-10-240-1713-6 |
ISSN | 2273-0915 |
Prix | 13 € |
Detail | 176 p. - 11,5 × 18,5 cm |
Résumé | “This book is nothing if it is not a kind of feminist manifesto (I hope). Much of the work here is about me trying to reconcile our shared feminism with my evolving into motherhood, a journey that sometimes represented some contradictions for me, but in the end turned out to be an enriching, complex layering of my feminism, like plants growing together in a garden.” Lily Robert-Foley. |
Achat LCDPU | https://www.lcdpu.fr/books/058596BF-2461-46AE-90FA-EFE1B7FF20AF |